Alert for Relay Health Customers

MPM, Inc can assist with this update for your office, our cost is a $75 Service Fee. Call our office today at

973-256-1998 x 505 to schedule an appointment to have this update performed!


Electronic Mailbox Facility (EMF) Update - InfoExchange Client
Action Required

In our continuing efforts to rebrand our products and services, RelayHealth, now Change Healthcare, is making the following changes that require customer action in order to avoid connectivity interruption. We are updating the URL used to access the EMF which requires a new version of InfoExchange Client. The latest release of the InfoExchange Client is configured to the use the new URL.
To ensure uninterrupted connectivity via InfoExchange Client, you must begin using version 3.1.1 to connect to the EMF prior to July 1, 2018.

Download Options for

  • Download the latest InfoExchange Client from Collaboration Compass at Go to Support > Communication Options > InfoExchange Client under Software Downloads.

JAR Updates
The includes the infoExchangeClient.jar. This newer version of the client JAR file can simply replace the current version.


InfoExchange Client 3.1.1 requires Java 8 (version 1.8) or newer. If you are using a prior version, you must update to a current version. The update must be made to the Java instance that launches the JAR. Current versions of Java can be downloaded from

IP Address Update
New IP address for the new URL above:

Your user name and password is not impacted by this change.
Networking changes are unlikely; however, please confirm.
It is possible you may need to update your firewall to allow connection to the new IP address.

Action Required:

  • Please begin connecting to our EMF with InfoExchange Client 3.1.1 prior to July 1, 2018 to ensure uninterrupted connectivity.
  • Ensure your firewall allows connection to the new IP address above.

Ensure the appropriate staff at your facility is informed of these required changes



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