NextGen Office EHR Enhancement
This release includes enhancements in NextGen® Office EHR and Practice Management. In EHR, the structured sig is sent to the pharmacy when there is also an additional sig for film, gum, and implant formulations. When you import a blueprint with a Chief Complaint custom form that is also used in the NextGen Office Patient Portal check-in process, you are alerted that importing a blueprint or past encounter causes existing Chief Complaint data in the current encounter to be replaced. Elsevier Spanish patient instructions correctly appear. For orders without results, the care plan date populates the order date as expected in the C-CDA. Orders created within an encounter appear in C-CDA regardless of whether the encounter includes a care plan or follow-up. In PM, the date of service in claims correctly appear based on the location's time zone. ERAs that were flagged in error successfully auto-post.
EHR Enhancements
Sig Is Sent to Pharmacy for Film, Gum, and Implant Formulations
We fixed an issue where when you e-prescribed medications with film, gum, or implant formulations and entered both a structured sig and additional sig, the sig appeared on the Medication module pages, but was not sent to the pharmacy. Only the additional sig was sent to the pharmacy. When you entered only the structured sig, the structured sig was sent to the pharmacy. The structured sig is now sent to the pharmacy when there is also an additional sig for these formulations.
Blueprint Import Improvements
We fixed an issue where when a blueprint contained a Chief Complaint custom form that was also used in the NextGen Office Patient Portal custom check-in process, the blueprint data overwrote the data that was entered by the patient during the Patient Portal custom check-in process. A message now opens when this workflow occurs, alerting you that importing a blueprint or past encounter causes existing Chief Complaint data in the current encounter to be replaced. You are instructed to deselect Chief Complaint during the import.
Updated Elsevier Spanish Patient Instructions
We fixed an issue in Elsevier Patient Instructions where the Spanish instructions had spelling errors. Spanish instructions now correctly appear.
Updated Treatment Plan Section of C-CDA
Two issues were resolved in the Treatment Plan section of the C-CDA. We fixed an issue where when an order was created within an encounter, and that encounter did not include a care plan or follow-up, the Treatment Plan section of the Encounter CCDA was not available. Orders now appear in the Treatment Plan section of the C-CDA. We also fixed an issue where the care plan date was populated with the created date rather than the order date for orders without results. The care plan date is now populated with the order date as expected.
Practice Management Enhancements
Claims Date of Service Improvements
We fixed a time zone issue where the date of service was incorrect in claims. The Encounter ID in EHR was also incorrect. The date of service in claims and Encounter ID in EHR now correctly appear based on the location's time zone.
ERA Auto-Post Improvements
We fixed an issue where ERAs were flagged in error. ERAs now successfully auto-post. Note that this fix does not impact ERA files that have already been uploaded. You must upload the files again to auto-post the correction and reversal ERAs.