You now receive a temporary password when you forget your password. You can use the temporary password to log in and reset your password.
Staff messages are no longer automatically sent to recipients and cc'd members when the task is forwarded.
The Ordering Provider filter now defaults to All Providers and the Results filter now defaults to All Results on the following pages:
You can no longer create a patient message from an active patient chart if the patient's NextGen Office Patient Portal status is inactive. The Patient Message button is disabled or unavailable in the following workflows:
Enhancements to the date of service, time, and time zone have been completed in the following areas:
We fixed an issue where when a custom form in the Chief Complaint was saved, the custom form information appeared in the encounter summary, but did not appear in the C-CDA. Custom form information now appears in the C-CDA.
We increased the character limit to 12 characters in the Zip field in the Add a payer and Add Payer Mailing Address windows in Administration: Payer Maintenance.
When you select expired primary or secondary insurance in Charge Entry, a message appears alerting you that the insurance has expired, and asks whether you want to create the claim.
We fixed an issue where some NextGen Pay powered by InstaMed credit card payment methods were blank in the Payments Analysis Grid and appeared as cash payments. NextGen Pay credit card payment methods now appear as Credit Card on File or Credit Card Swipe in the Method column and amounts appear in the CCard Amount and the credit card type amount column (for example, Visa Amount).
We fixed an issue where NextGen Pay powered by InstaMed payment plan refunds appeared as a payment in NextGen Office PM with no authorization number. Refunds processed by NextGen Pay no longer appear as payments in NextGen Office PM.
We fixed an issue where an existing insurance profile could not be added to the patient chart. You can now add an existing insurance profile to the patient chart. As a part of this fix, editing the insurance profile information for the insured has been temporarily disabled.
We fixed an issue where when a clearinghouse re-billed and reprocessed claim rejections and sent NextGen Office PM updated 277 messages showing that the claim was received, NextGen Office PM did not update the rejected claims as received. Claims fixed and reprocessed by a clearinghouse are now updated to received status by the next day.
Call MPM today to schedule a Demo at 973-256-1998 x2