NextGen Office- Pharmacy Alerts

NextGen Office Pharmacy


NextGen Office Pharmacy Alerts

Use the Pharmacy Alerts module to view all of the pharmacy alerts for the selected location and prescriber. The following are the pages included in this module.

Page Description
Approval Requests Supervising providers view and take action on approval requests received from providers who require approval of their prescriptions prior to transmission. 
Failed Rx Shows prescriptions that were electronically transmitted to the pharmacy, but could not be processed. 
Pharmacy Messages When a pharmacy requests a change to, or renewal of, an electronic prescription, you receive the change or renewal request in Pharmacy Messages. For detailed instructions on how to change or renew a prescription, refer to the appropriate knowledge articles listed in the Pharmacy Messages knowledge article under See Also.
Prescriber Report Lists all medications prescribed by logged-in prescriber for the current day (or the selected Rx Date range).
Prior Authorization Manage the prior authorization worklist. Refer to Manage the Prior Authorization Worklist section of Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA) with CoverMyMeds.
Open Rx Report Lists all medications entered on the Prescribe page during the encounter that have not yet been printed or electronically transmitted.
Archived Requests Archived pharmacy messages show in Archived Requests and are removed from Pharmacy Messages.

Navigate to Pharmacy Alerts

Click NextGen Office-1 on the top toolbar or click Pharmacy Alerts on the bottom toolbar.

Note: A red indicator NextGen Office red means that the logged-in prescriber has a pharmacy alert.


Feature Overview

The Rx icon NextGen Office Rx only shows if you have a pharmacy role assigned to you in Administration: User Maintenance. If your Pharmacy Role = None, you do not see the icon.


Colored Indicators

A colored indicator shows in the left corner of the Rx icon alerting you that you (the prescriber) or another prescriber in your practice has a pending pharmacy item that needs approval or review. No indicator means that there are no pending pharmacy items.

  • NextGen Office red The logged-in prescriber has a pending pharmacy item
  • NextGen Office yellow  A prescriber in the practice (other than the logged-in prescriber) has a pending pharmacy item.

Pending Action Items

The pending item can be one or more of the following:

Action Item Shown in Page
Renewal request Pharmacy Messages
Change request Pharmacy Messages
Approval request Approval Requests
Failed prescription Failed Rx

Landing Page Hierarchy

There is a landing page hierarchy so where you land in the Pharmacy Alerts module when you click NextGen Office Rx red depends on the action item you have. The ranking order is:

  • Change and/or renewal requests
  • Approval requests
  • Failed prescriptions

If you have several renewal or change requests, you land on the Pharmacy Messages page since it ranks the highest. If you have an approval request and a failed prescription and no renewal or change requests, you land on the Approval Requests page since it ranks higher than Failed Rx. The best practice is to click each of the three tabs to ensure that you do not have a pending item in another tab.





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