Metro Practice Management Blog

Don't Get Spooked by Denials- Tips and Tricks to Preventing Denials for your Practice Seminar

If were not able to attend our FREE Seminar on Don't Get Spooked by Denials- Tips and Tricks to Preventing Denials for your Practice, you are able to[...]

Date Sensitive Revenue Management Update Required for Change Healthcare Customers

REMINDER: Date Sensitive Revenue Management Update Required for Change Healthcare Customers Change Healthcare has undergone security and rebranding[...]

Is your Insurance Aging Growing? Losing Money due to poor follow up? We have a solution for you!

Are you losing money due to outstanding insurance claims? Are you losing money because of timely filings? Is your Staff just not producing results?[...]

RCM Best Practices Seminar

If you missed our Free Seminar- Don't Worry, you can play back the presentation below

Top 3 Warning Signs your Revenue is at Risk!

Top 3 Warning Signs your Revenue is at Risk! Today's healthcare environment presents many unique challenges that can get in the way of independent[...]

MPM Billing Services- Success Story, let us help you and your office

Just one Success Story with our Billing "RCM - (Revenue Cycle Management)" Services! Increase Revenue, Gain Freedom: "I don't have to worry about my[...]

Alert for Relay Health Customers

MPM, Inc can assist with this update for your office, our cost is a $75 Service Fee. Call our office today at 973-256-1998 x 505 to schedule an[...]

AutoRemind Free 60 Day trail

AutoRemind is now Available in Medisoft V21 and Lytec 2017

Relay Health Issue


MACRA: Flexible But Still a Reality

After much physician feedback and criticism since they announced the proposed rule for the bipartisan Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of[...]

Windows 10

Medisoft and Lytec users

Mckesson sells Medisoft, Lytec and Practice Choice to e-MDs

McKesson is selling its interest in Medisoft, Medisoft Clinical, Lytec, Lytec MD and Practice Choice. The sale was made to e-MDs located in Austin,[...]
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